\");\n css(wrapper, {\n boxSizing: \"border-box\",\n height: dim.height,\n width: dim.width,\n ...css(el, [\n \"overflow\",\n \"padding\",\n \"borderTop\",\n \"borderRight\",\n \"borderBottom\",\n \"borderLeft\",\n \"borderImage\",\n marginStartProp\n ])\n });\n css(el, {\n padding: 0,\n border: 0,\n minWidth: 0,\n minHeight: 0,\n [marginStartProp]: 0,\n width: dim.width,\n height: dim.height,\n overflow: \"hidden\",\n [dimProp]: currentDim\n });\n const percent = currentDim / endDim;\n duration = (velocity * endDim + duration) * (show ? 1 - percent : percent);\n const endProps = { [dimProp]: show ? endDim : 0 };\n if (end) {\n css(el, marginProp, endDim - currentDim + currentMargin);\n endProps[marginProp] = show ? currentMargin : endDim + currentMargin;\n }\n if (!end ^ mode === \"reveal\") {\n css(wrapper, marginProp, -endDim + currentDim);\n Transition.start(wrapper, { [marginProp]: show ? 0 : -endDim }, duration, transition);\n }\n try {\n await Transition.start(el, endProps, duration, transition);\n } finally {\n css(el, prevProps);\n unwrap(wrapper.firstChild);\n if (!show) {\n _toggle(el, false);\n }\n }\n }\n function toggleAnimation(el, show, cmp) {\n Animation.cancel(el);\n const { animation, duration, _toggle } = cmp;\n if (show) {\n _toggle(el, true);\n return Animation.in(el, animation[0], duration, cmp.origin);\n }\n return Animation.out(el, animation[1] || animation[0], duration, cmp.origin).then(\n () => _toggle(el, false)\n );\n }\n\n const keyMap = {\n TAB: 9,\n ESC: 27,\n SPACE: 32,\n END: 35,\n HOME: 36,\n LEFT: 37,\n UP: 38,\n RIGHT: 39,\n DOWN: 40\n };\n\n function resize(options) {\n return observe(observeResize, options, \"resize\");\n }\n function intersection(options) {\n return observe(observeIntersection, options);\n }\n function mutation(options) {\n return observe(observeMutation, options);\n }\n function lazyload(options = {}) {\n return intersection({\n handler: function(entries, observer) {\n const { targets = this.$el, preload = 5 } = options;\n for (const el of toNodes(isFunction(targets) ? targets(this) : targets)) {\n $$('[loading=\"lazy\"]', el).slice(0, preload - 1).forEach((el2) => removeAttr(el2, \"loading\"));\n }\n for (const el of entries.filter(({ isIntersecting }) => isIntersecting).map(({ target }) => target)) {\n observer.unobserve(el);\n }\n },\n ...options\n });\n }\n function scroll$1(options) {\n return observe(\n function(target, handler) {\n return {\n disconnect: on(target, \"scroll\", handler, {\n passive: true,\n capture: true\n })\n };\n },\n {\n target: () => window,\n ...options\n },\n \"scroll\"\n );\n }\n function swipe(options) {\n return {\n observe(target, handler) {\n return {\n observe: noop,\n unobserve: noop,\n disconnect: on(target, pointerDown$1, handler, { passive: true })\n };\n },\n handler(e) {\n if (!isTouch(e)) {\n return;\n }\n const pos = getEventPos(e);\n const target = \"tagName\" in e.target ? e.target : parent(e.target);\n once(document, `${pointerUp$1} ${pointerCancel} scroll`, (e2) => {\n const { x, y } = getEventPos(e2);\n if (e2.type !== \"scroll\" && target && x && Math.abs(pos.x - x) > 100 || y && Math.abs(pos.y - y) > 100) {\n setTimeout(() => {\n trigger(target, \"swipe\");\n trigger(target, `swipe${swipeDirection(pos.x, pos.y, x, y)}`);\n });\n }\n });\n },\n ...options\n };\n }\n function observe(observe2, options, emit) {\n return {\n observe: observe2,\n handler() {\n this.$emit(emit);\n },\n ...options\n };\n }\n function swipeDirection(x1, y1, x2, y2) {\n return Math.abs(x1 - x2) >= Math.abs(y1 - y2) ? x1 - x2 > 0 ? \"Left\" : \"Right\" : y1 - y2 > 0 ? \"Up\" : \"Down\";\n }\n\n var Accordion = {\n mixins: [Class, Togglable],\n props: {\n animation: Boolean,\n targets: String,\n active: null,\n collapsible: Boolean,\n multiple: Boolean,\n toggle: String,\n content: String,\n offset: Number\n },\n data: {\n targets: \"> *\",\n active: false,\n animation: true,\n collapsible: true,\n multiple: false,\n clsOpen: \"uk-open\",\n toggle: \"> .uk-accordion-title\",\n content: \"> .uk-accordion-content\",\n offset: 0\n },\n computed: {\n items({ targets }, $el) {\n return $$(targets, $el);\n },\n toggles({ toggle }) {\n return this.items.map((item) => $(toggle, item));\n },\n contents({ content }) {\n return this.items.map((item) => {\n var _a;\n return ((_a = item._wrapper) == null ? void 0 : _a.firstElementChild) || $(content, item);\n });\n }\n },\n watch: {\n items(items, prev) {\n if (prev || hasClass(items, this.clsOpen)) {\n return;\n }\n const active = this.active !== false && items[Number(this.active)] || !this.collapsible && items[0];\n if (active) {\n this.toggle(active, false);\n }\n },\n toggles() {\n this.$emit();\n },\n contents(items) {\n for (const el of items) {\n const isOpen = hasClass(\n this.items.find((item) => within(el, item)),\n this.clsOpen\n );\n hide(el, !isOpen);\n }\n this.$emit();\n }\n },\n observe: lazyload(),\n events: [\n {\n name: \"click keydown\",\n delegate() {\n return `${this.targets} ${this.$props.toggle}`;\n },\n async handler(e) {\n var _a;\n if (e.type === \"keydown\" && e.keyCode !== keyMap.SPACE) {\n return;\n }\n e.preventDefault();\n (_a = this._off) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(this);\n this._off = keepScrollPosition(e.target);\n await this.toggle(index(this.toggles, e.current));\n this._off();\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"shown hidden\",\n self: true,\n delegate() {\n return this.targets;\n },\n handler() {\n this.$emit();\n }\n }\n ],\n update() {\n const activeItems = filter$1(this.items, `.${this.clsOpen}`);\n for (const index2 in this.items) {\n const toggle = this.toggles[index2];\n const content = this.contents[index2];\n if (!toggle || !content) {\n continue;\n }\n toggle.id = generateId(this, toggle, `-title-${index2}`);\n content.id = generateId(this, content, `-content-${index2}`);\n const active = includes(activeItems, this.items[index2]);\n attr(toggle, {\n role: isTag(toggle, \"a\") ? \"button\" : null,\n \"aria-controls\": content.id,\n \"aria-expanded\": active,\n \"aria-disabled\": !this.collapsible && activeItems.length < 2 && active\n });\n attr(content, { role: \"region\", \"aria-labelledby\": toggle.id });\n if (isTag(content, \"ul\")) {\n attr(children(content), \"role\", \"presentation\");\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n async toggle(item, animate) {\n item = this.items[getIndex(item, this.items)];\n let items = [item];\n const activeItems = filter$1(this.items, `.${this.clsOpen}`);\n if (!this.multiple && !includes(activeItems, items[0])) {\n items = items.concat(activeItems);\n }\n if (!this.collapsible && activeItems.length < 2 && includes(activeItems, item)) {\n return;\n }\n await Promise.all(\n items.map(\n (el) => this.toggleElement(el, !includes(activeItems, el), (el2, show) => {\n toggleClass(el2, this.clsOpen, show);\n if (animate === false || !this.animation) {\n hide($(this.content, el2), !show);\n return;\n }\n return transition(el2, show, this);\n })\n )\n );\n }\n }\n };\n function hide(el, hide2) {\n el && (el.hidden = hide2);\n }\n async function transition(el, show, { content, duration, velocity, transition: transition2 }) {\n var _a;\n content = ((_a = el._wrapper) == null ? void 0 : _a.firstElementChild) || $(content, el);\n if (!el._wrapper) {\n el._wrapper = wrapAll(content, \"
\");\n }\n const wrapper = el._wrapper;\n css(wrapper, \"overflow\", \"hidden\");\n const currentHeight = toFloat(css(wrapper, \"height\"));\n await Transition.cancel(wrapper);\n hide(content, false);\n const endHeight = sumBy([\"marginTop\", \"marginBottom\"], (prop) => css(content, prop)) + dimensions$1(content).height;\n const percent = currentHeight / endHeight;\n duration = (velocity * endHeight + duration) * (show ? 1 - percent : percent);\n css(wrapper, \"height\", currentHeight);\n await Transition.start(wrapper, { height: show ? endHeight : 0 }, duration, transition2);\n unwrap(content);\n delete el._wrapper;\n if (!show) {\n hide(content, true);\n }\n }\n function keepScrollPosition(el) {\n const [scrollParent] = scrollParents(el, true);\n let frame;\n (function scroll() {\n frame = requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n const { top } = el.getBoundingClientRect();\n if (top < 0) {\n scrollParent.scrollTop += top;\n }\n scroll();\n });\n })();\n return () => requestAnimationFrame(() => cancelAnimationFrame(frame));\n }\n\n var alert = {\n mixins: [Class, Togglable],\n args: \"animation\",\n props: {\n animation: Boolean,\n close: String\n },\n data: {\n animation: true,\n selClose: \".uk-alert-close\",\n duration: 150\n },\n events: {\n name: \"click\",\n delegate() {\n return this.selClose;\n },\n handler(e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n this.close();\n }\n },\n methods: {\n async close() {\n await this.toggleElement(this.$el, false, animate$1);\n this.$destroy(true);\n }\n }\n };\n function animate$1(el, show, { duration, transition, velocity }) {\n const height = toFloat(css(el, \"height\"));\n css(el, \"height\", height);\n return Transition.start(\n el,\n {\n height: 0,\n marginTop: 0,\n marginBottom: 0,\n paddingTop: 0,\n paddingBottom: 0,\n borderTop: 0,\n borderBottom: 0,\n opacity: 0\n },\n velocity * height + duration,\n transition\n );\n }\n\n var Video = {\n args: \"autoplay\",\n props: {\n automute: Boolean,\n autoplay: Boolean\n },\n data: {\n automute: false,\n autoplay: true\n },\n connected() {\n this.inView = this.autoplay === \"inview\";\n if (this.inView && !hasAttr(this.$el, \"preload\")) {\n this.$el.preload = \"none\";\n }\n if (isTag(this.$el, \"iframe\") && !hasAttr(this.$el, \"allow\")) {\n this.$el.allow = \"autoplay\";\n }\n if (this.automute) {\n mute(this.$el);\n }\n },\n observe: intersection({\n args: { intersecting: false }\n }),\n update: {\n read({ visible }) {\n if (!isVideo(this.$el)) {\n return false;\n }\n return {\n prev: visible,\n visible: isVisible(this.$el) && css(this.$el, \"visibility\") !== \"hidden\",\n inView: this.inView && isInView(this.$el)\n };\n },\n write({ prev, visible, inView }) {\n if (!visible || this.inView && !inView) {\n pause(this.$el);\n } else if (this.autoplay === true && !prev || this.inView && inView) {\n play(this.$el);\n }\n }\n }\n };\n\n var cover = {\n mixins: [Video],\n props: {\n width: Number,\n height: Number\n },\n data: {\n automute: true\n },\n events: {\n \"load loadedmetadata\"() {\n this.$emit(\"resize\");\n }\n },\n observe: resize({\n target: ({ $el }) => [$el, getPositionedParent($el) || parent($el)]\n }),\n update: {\n read() {\n const { ratio, cover } = Dimensions;\n const { $el, width, height } = this;\n let dim = { width, height };\n if (!width || !height) {\n const intrinsic = {\n width: $el.naturalWidth || $el.videoWidth || $el.clientWidth,\n height: $el.naturalHeight || $el.videoHeight || $el.clientHeight\n };\n if (width) {\n dim = ratio(intrinsic, \"width\", width);\n } else if (height) {\n dim = ratio(intrinsic, \"height\", height);\n } else {\n dim = intrinsic;\n }\n }\n const { offsetHeight: coverHeight, offsetWidth: coverWidth } = getPositionedParent($el) || parent($el);\n const coverDim = cover(dim, {\n width: coverWidth + (coverWidth % 2 ? 1 : 0),\n height: coverHeight + (coverHeight % 2 ? 1 : 0)\n });\n if (!coverDim.width || !coverDim.height) {\n return false;\n }\n return coverDim;\n },\n write({ height, width }) {\n css(this.$el, { height, width });\n },\n events: [\"resize\"]\n }\n };\n function getPositionedParent(el) {\n while (el = parent(el)) {\n if (css(el, \"position\") !== \"static\") {\n return el;\n }\n }\n }\n\n var Position = {\n props: {\n pos: String,\n offset: null,\n flip: Boolean,\n shift: Boolean,\n inset: Boolean\n },\n data: {\n pos: `bottom-${isRtl ? \"right\" : \"left\"}`,\n offset: false,\n flip: true,\n shift: true,\n inset: false\n },\n connected() {\n this.pos = this.$props.pos.split(\"-\").concat(\"center\").slice(0, 2);\n [this.dir, this.align] = this.pos;\n this.axis = includes([\"top\", \"bottom\"], this.dir) ? \"y\" : \"x\";\n },\n methods: {\n positionAt(element, target, boundary) {\n let offset = [this.getPositionOffset(element), this.getShiftOffset(element)];\n const placement = [this.flip && \"flip\", this.shift && \"shift\"];\n const attach = {\n element: [this.inset ? this.dir : flipPosition(this.dir), this.align],\n target: [this.dir, this.align]\n };\n if (this.axis === \"y\") {\n for (const prop in attach) {\n attach[prop].reverse();\n }\n offset.reverse();\n placement.reverse();\n }\n const restoreScrollPosition = storeScrollPosition(element);\n const elDim = dimensions$1(element);\n css(element, { top: -elDim.height, left: -elDim.width });\n positionAt(element, target, {\n attach,\n offset,\n boundary,\n placement,\n viewportOffset: this.getViewportOffset(element)\n });\n restoreScrollPosition();\n },\n getPositionOffset(element) {\n return toPx(\n this.offset === false ? css(element, \"--uk-position-offset\") : this.offset,\n this.axis === \"x\" ? \"width\" : \"height\",\n element\n ) * (includes([\"left\", \"top\"], this.dir) ? -1 : 1) * (this.inset ? -1 : 1);\n },\n getShiftOffset(element) {\n return this.align === \"center\" ? 0 : toPx(\n css(element, \"--uk-position-shift-offset\"),\n this.axis === \"y\" ? \"width\" : \"height\",\n element\n ) * (includes([\"left\", \"top\"], this.align) ? 1 : -1);\n },\n getViewportOffset(element) {\n return toPx(css(element, \"--uk-position-viewport-offset\"));\n }\n }\n };\n function storeScrollPosition(element) {\n const [scrollElement] = scrollParents(element);\n const { scrollTop } = scrollElement;\n return () => {\n if (scrollTop !== scrollElement.scrollTop) {\n scrollElement.scrollTop = scrollTop;\n }\n };\n }\n\n var Container = {\n props: {\n container: Boolean\n },\n data: {\n container: true\n },\n computed: {\n container({ container }) {\n return container === true && this.$container || container && $(container);\n }\n }\n };\n\n let prevented;\n function preventBackgroundScroll(el) {\n const off = on(\n el,\n \"touchmove\",\n (e) => {\n if (e.targetTouches.length !== 1 || matches(e.target, 'input[type=\"range\"')) {\n return;\n }\n let [{ scrollHeight, clientHeight }] = scrollParents(e.target);\n if (clientHeight >= scrollHeight && e.cancelable) {\n e.preventDefault();\n }\n },\n { passive: false }\n );\n if (prevented) {\n return off;\n }\n prevented = true;\n const { scrollingElement } = document;\n css(scrollingElement, {\n overflowY: CSS.supports(\"overflow\", \"clip\") ? \"clip\" : \"hidden\",\n touchAction: \"none\",\n paddingRight: width(window) - scrollingElement.clientWidth || \"\"\n });\n return () => {\n prevented = false;\n off();\n css(scrollingElement, { overflowY: \"\", touchAction: \"\", paddingRight: \"\" });\n };\n }\n\n let active$1;\n var drop = {\n mixins: [Container, Position, Togglable],\n args: \"pos\",\n props: {\n mode: \"list\",\n toggle: Boolean,\n boundary: Boolean,\n boundaryX: Boolean,\n boundaryY: Boolean,\n target: Boolean,\n targetX: Boolean,\n targetY: Boolean,\n stretch: Boolean,\n delayShow: Number,\n delayHide: Number,\n autoUpdate: Boolean,\n clsDrop: String,\n animateOut: Boolean,\n bgScroll: Boolean\n },\n data: {\n mode: [\"click\", \"hover\"],\n toggle: \"- *\",\n boundary: false,\n boundaryX: false,\n boundaryY: false,\n target: false,\n targetX: false,\n targetY: false,\n stretch: false,\n delayShow: 0,\n delayHide: 800,\n autoUpdate: true,\n clsDrop: false,\n animateOut: false,\n bgScroll: true,\n animation: [\"uk-animation-fade\"],\n cls: \"uk-open\",\n container: false\n },\n computed: {\n boundary({ boundary, boundaryX, boundaryY }, $el) {\n return [\n query(boundaryX || boundary, $el) || window,\n query(boundaryY || boundary, $el) || window\n ];\n },\n target({ target, targetX, targetY }, $el) {\n targetX = targetX || target || this.targetEl;\n targetY = targetY || target || this.targetEl;\n return [\n targetX === true ? window : query(targetX, $el),\n targetY === true ? window : query(targetY, $el)\n ];\n }\n },\n created() {\n this.tracker = new MouseTracker();\n },\n beforeConnect() {\n this.clsDrop = this.$props.clsDrop || `uk-${this.$options.name}`;\n },\n connected() {\n addClass(this.$el, \"uk-drop\", this.clsDrop);\n if (this.toggle && !this.targetEl) {\n this.targetEl = createToggleComponent(this);\n }\n this._style = pick(this.$el.style, [\"width\", \"height\"]);\n },\n disconnected() {\n if (this.isActive()) {\n this.hide(false);\n active$1 = null;\n }\n css(this.$el, this._style);\n },\n observe: lazyload({\n target: ({ toggle, $el }) => query(toggle, $el),\n targets: ({ $el }) => $el\n }),\n events: [\n {\n name: \"click\",\n delegate() {\n return \".uk-drop-close\";\n },\n handler(e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n this.hide(false);\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"click\",\n delegate() {\n return 'a[href*=\"#\"]';\n },\n handler({ defaultPrevented, current }) {\n const { hash } = current;\n if (!defaultPrevented && hash && isSameSiteAnchor(current) && !within(hash, this.$el)) {\n this.hide(false);\n }\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"beforescroll\",\n handler() {\n this.hide(false);\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"toggle\",\n self: true,\n handler(e, toggle) {\n e.preventDefault();\n if (this.isToggled()) {\n this.hide(false);\n } else {\n this.show(toggle == null ? void 0 : toggle.$el, false);\n }\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"toggleshow\",\n self: true,\n handler(e, toggle) {\n e.preventDefault();\n this.show(toggle == null ? void 0 : toggle.$el);\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"togglehide\",\n self: true,\n handler(e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n if (!matches(this.$el, \":focus,:hover\")) {\n this.hide();\n }\n }\n },\n {\n name: `${pointerEnter} focusin`,\n filter() {\n return includes(this.mode, \"hover\");\n },\n handler(e) {\n if (!isTouch(e)) {\n this.clearTimers();\n }\n }\n },\n {\n name: `${pointerLeave} focusout`,\n filter() {\n return includes(this.mode, \"hover\");\n },\n handler(e) {\n if (!isTouch(e) && e.relatedTarget) {\n this.hide();\n }\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"toggled\",\n self: true,\n handler(e, toggled) {\n attr(this.targetEl, \"aria-expanded\", toggled ? true : null);\n if (!toggled) {\n return;\n }\n this.clearTimers();\n this.position();\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"show\",\n self: true,\n handler() {\n active$1 = this;\n this.tracker.init();\n const handlers = [\n listenForResize(this),\n listenForEscClose$1(this),\n listenForBackgroundClose$1(this),\n this.autoUpdate && listenForScroll(this),\n !this.bgScroll && preventBackgroundScroll(this.$el)\n ];\n once(this.$el, \"hide\", () => handlers.forEach((handler) => handler && handler()), {\n self: true\n });\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"beforehide\",\n self: true,\n handler() {\n this.clearTimers();\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"hide\",\n handler({ target }) {\n if (this.$el !== target) {\n active$1 = active$1 === null && within(target, this.$el) && this.isToggled() ? this : active$1;\n return;\n }\n active$1 = this.isActive() ? null : active$1;\n this.tracker.cancel();\n }\n }\n ],\n update: {\n write() {\n if (this.isToggled() && !hasClass(this.$el, this.clsEnter)) {\n this.position();\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n show(target = this.targetEl, delay = true) {\n if (this.isToggled() && target && this.targetEl && target !== this.targetEl) {\n this.hide(false, false);\n }\n this.targetEl = target;\n this.clearTimers();\n if (this.isActive()) {\n return;\n }\n if (active$1) {\n if (delay && active$1.isDelaying) {\n this.showTimer = setTimeout(() => matches(target, \":hover\") && this.show(), 10);\n return;\n }\n let prev;\n while (active$1 && prev !== active$1 && !within(this.$el, active$1.$el)) {\n prev = active$1;\n active$1.hide(false, false);\n }\n }\n if (this.container && parent(this.$el) !== this.container) {\n append(this.container, this.$el);\n }\n this.showTimer = setTimeout(\n () => this.toggleElement(this.$el, true),\n delay && this.delayShow || 0\n );\n },\n hide(delay = true, animate = true) {\n const hide = () => this.toggleElement(this.$el, false, this.animateOut && animate);\n this.clearTimers();\n this.isDelaying = getPositionedElements(this.$el).some(\n (el) => this.tracker.movesTo(el)\n );\n if (delay && this.isDelaying) {\n this.hideTimer = setTimeout(this.hide, 50);\n } else if (delay && this.delayHide) {\n this.hideTimer = setTimeout(hide, this.delayHide);\n } else {\n hide();\n }\n },\n clearTimers() {\n clearTimeout(this.showTimer);\n clearTimeout(this.hideTimer);\n this.showTimer = null;\n this.hideTimer = null;\n this.isDelaying = false;\n },\n isActive() {\n return active$1 === this;\n },\n position() {\n removeClass(this.$el, \"uk-drop-stack\");\n css(this.$el, this._style);\n this.$el.hidden = true;\n const viewports = this.target.map((target) => getViewport$1(this.$el, target));\n const viewportOffset = this.getViewportOffset(this.$el);\n const dirs = [\n [0, [\"x\", \"width\", \"left\", \"right\"]],\n [1, [\"y\", \"height\", \"top\", \"bottom\"]]\n ];\n for (const [i, [axis, prop]] of dirs) {\n if (this.axis !== axis && includes([axis, true], this.stretch)) {\n css(this.$el, {\n [prop]: Math.min(\n offset(this.boundary[i])[prop],\n viewports[i][prop] - 2 * viewportOffset\n ),\n [`overflow-${axis}`]: \"auto\"\n });\n }\n }\n const maxWidth = viewports[0].width - 2 * viewportOffset;\n this.$el.hidden = false;\n css(this.$el, \"maxWidth\", \"\");\n if (this.$el.offsetWidth > maxWidth) {\n addClass(this.$el, \"uk-drop-stack\");\n }\n css(this.$el, \"maxWidth\", maxWidth);\n this.positionAt(this.$el, this.target, this.boundary);\n for (const [i, [axis, prop, start, end]] of dirs) {\n if (this.axis === axis && includes([axis, true], this.stretch)) {\n const positionOffset = Math.abs(this.getPositionOffset(this.$el));\n const targetOffset = offset(this.target[i]);\n const elOffset = offset(this.$el);\n css(this.$el, {\n [prop]: (targetOffset[start] > elOffset[start] ? targetOffset[this.inset ? end : start] - Math.max(\n offset(this.boundary[i])[start],\n viewports[i][start] + viewportOffset\n ) : Math.min(\n offset(this.boundary[i])[end],\n viewports[i][end] - viewportOffset\n ) - targetOffset[this.inset ? start : end]) - positionOffset,\n [`overflow-${axis}`]: \"auto\"\n });\n this.positionAt(this.$el, this.target, this.boundary);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n };\n function getPositionedElements(el) {\n const result = [];\n apply(el, (el2) => css(el2, \"position\") !== \"static\" && result.push(el2));\n return result;\n }\n function getViewport$1(el, target) {\n return offsetViewport(overflowParents(target).find((parent2) => within(el, parent2)));\n }\n function createToggleComponent(drop) {\n const { $el } = drop.$create(\"toggle\", query(drop.toggle, drop.$el), {\n target: drop.$el,\n mode: drop.mode\n });\n attr($el, \"aria-haspopup\", true);\n return $el;\n }\n function listenForResize(drop) {\n const update = () => drop.$emit();\n const off = on(window, \"resize\", update);\n const observer = observeResize(overflowParents(drop.$el).concat(drop.target), update);\n return () => {\n observer.disconnect();\n off();\n };\n }\n function listenForScroll(drop) {\n return on([document, ...overflowParents(drop.$el)], \"scroll\", () => drop.$emit(), {\n passive: true\n });\n }\n function listenForEscClose$1(drop) {\n return on(document, \"keydown\", (e) => {\n if (e.keyCode === keyMap.ESC) {\n drop.hide(false);\n }\n });\n }\n function listenForBackgroundClose$1(drop) {\n return on(document, pointerDown$1, ({ target }) => {\n if (!within(target, drop.$el)) {\n once(\n document,\n `${pointerUp$1} ${pointerCancel} scroll`,\n ({ defaultPrevented, type, target: newTarget }) => {\n if (!defaultPrevented && type === pointerUp$1 && target === newTarget && !(drop.targetEl && within(target, drop.targetEl))) {\n drop.hide(false);\n }\n },\n true\n );\n }\n });\n }\n\n var Dropnav = {\n mixins: [Class, Container],\n props: {\n align: String,\n clsDrop: String,\n boundary: Boolean,\n dropbar: Boolean,\n dropbarAnchor: Boolean,\n duration: Number,\n mode: Boolean,\n offset: Boolean,\n stretch: Boolean,\n delayShow: Boolean,\n delayHide: Boolean,\n target: Boolean,\n targetX: Boolean,\n targetY: Boolean,\n animation: Boolean,\n animateOut: Boolean\n },\n data: {\n align: isRtl ? \"right\" : \"left\",\n clsDrop: \"uk-dropdown\",\n clsDropbar: \"uk-dropnav-dropbar\",\n boundary: true,\n dropbar: false,\n dropbarAnchor: false,\n duration: 200,\n container: false,\n selNavItem: \"> li > a, > ul > li > a\"\n },\n computed: {\n dropbarAnchor({ dropbarAnchor }, $el) {\n return query(dropbarAnchor, $el) || $el;\n },\n dropbar({ dropbar }) {\n if (!dropbar) {\n return null;\n }\n dropbar = this._dropbar || query(dropbar, this.$el) || $(`+ .${this.clsDropbar}`, this.$el);\n return dropbar ? dropbar : this._dropbar = $(\"
\");\n },\n dropContainer(_, $el) {\n return this.container || $el;\n },\n dropdowns({ clsDrop }, $el) {\n var _a;\n const dropdowns = $$(`.${clsDrop}`, $el);\n if (this.dropContainer !== $el) {\n for (const el of $$(`.${clsDrop}`, this.dropContainer)) {\n const target = (_a = this.getDropdown(el)) == null ? void 0 : _a.targetEl;\n if (!includes(dropdowns, el) && target && within(target, this.$el)) {\n dropdowns.push(el);\n }\n }\n }\n return dropdowns;\n },\n items({ selNavItem }, $el) {\n return $$(selNavItem, $el);\n }\n },\n watch: {\n dropbar(dropbar) {\n addClass(\n dropbar,\n \"uk-dropbar\",\n \"uk-dropbar-top\",\n this.clsDropbar,\n `uk-${this.$options.name}-dropbar`\n );\n },\n dropdowns(dropdowns) {\n this.$create(\n \"drop\",\n dropdowns.filter((el) => !this.getDropdown(el)),\n {\n ...this.$props,\n flip: false,\n shift: true,\n pos: `bottom-${this.align}`,\n boundary: this.boundary === true ? this.$el : this.boundary\n }\n );\n }\n },\n disconnected() {\n remove$1(this._dropbar);\n delete this._dropbar;\n },\n events: [\n {\n name: \"mouseover focusin\",\n delegate() {\n return this.selNavItem;\n },\n handler({ current }) {\n const active2 = this.getActive();\n if (active2 && includes(active2.mode, \"hover\") && active2.targetEl && !within(active2.targetEl, current) && !active2.isDelaying) {\n active2.hide(false);\n }\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"keydown\",\n delegate() {\n return this.selNavItem;\n },\n handler(e) {\n const { current, keyCode } = e;\n const active2 = this.getActive();\n if (keyCode === keyMap.DOWN && hasAttr(current, \"aria-expanded\")) {\n e.preventDefault();\n if (!active2 || active2.targetEl !== current) {\n current.click();\n once(\n this.dropContainer,\n \"show\",\n ({ target }) => focusFirstFocusableElement(target)\n );\n } else {\n focusFirstFocusableElement(active2.$el);\n }\n }\n handleNavItemNavigation(e, this.items, active2);\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"keydown\",\n el() {\n return this.dropContainer;\n },\n delegate() {\n return `.${this.clsDrop}`;\n },\n handler(e) {\n var _a;\n const { current, keyCode } = e;\n if (!includes(this.dropdowns, current)) {\n return;\n }\n const active2 = this.getActive();\n let next = -1;\n if (keyCode === keyMap.HOME) {\n next = 0;\n } else if (keyCode === keyMap.END) {\n next = \"last\";\n } else if (keyCode === keyMap.UP) {\n next = \"previous\";\n } else if (keyCode === keyMap.DOWN) {\n next = \"next\";\n } else if (keyCode === keyMap.ESC) {\n (_a = active2.targetEl) == null ? void 0 : _a.focus();\n }\n if (~next) {\n e.preventDefault();\n const elements = $$(selFocusable, current);\n elements[getIndex(\n next,\n elements,\n findIndex(elements, (el) => matches(el, \":focus\"))\n )].focus();\n }\n handleNavItemNavigation(e, this.items, active2);\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"mouseleave\",\n el() {\n return this.dropbar;\n },\n filter() {\n return this.dropbar;\n },\n handler() {\n const active2 = this.getActive();\n if (active2 && includes(active2.mode, \"hover\") && !this.dropdowns.some((el) => matches(el, \":hover\"))) {\n active2.hide();\n }\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"beforeshow\",\n el() {\n return this.dropContainer;\n },\n filter() {\n return this.dropbar;\n },\n handler({ target }) {\n if (!this.isDropbarDrop(target)) {\n return;\n }\n if (this.dropbar.previousElementSibling !== this.dropbarAnchor) {\n after(this.dropbarAnchor, this.dropbar);\n }\n addClass(target, `${this.clsDrop}-dropbar`);\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"show\",\n el() {\n return this.dropContainer;\n },\n filter() {\n return this.dropbar;\n },\n handler({ target }) {\n if (!this.isDropbarDrop(target)) {\n return;\n }\n const drop = this.getDropdown(target);\n const adjustHeight = () => {\n const targetOffsets = parents(target, `.${this.clsDrop}`).concat(target).map((el) => offset(el));\n const minTop = Math.min(...targetOffsets.map(({ top }) => top));\n const maxBottom = Math.max(...targetOffsets.map(({ bottom }) => bottom));\n const dropbarOffset = offset(this.dropbar);\n css(this.dropbar, \"top\", this.dropbar.offsetTop - (dropbarOffset.top - minTop));\n this.transitionTo(\n maxBottom - minTop + toFloat(css(target, \"marginBottom\")),\n target\n );\n };\n this._observer = observeResize([drop.$el, ...drop.target], adjustHeight);\n adjustHeight();\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"beforehide\",\n el() {\n return this.dropContainer;\n },\n filter() {\n return this.dropbar;\n },\n handler(e) {\n const active2 = this.getActive();\n if (matches(this.dropbar, \":hover\") && active2.$el === e.target && !this.items.some((el) => active2.targetEl !== el && matches(el, \":focus\"))) {\n e.preventDefault();\n }\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"hide\",\n el() {\n return this.dropContainer;\n },\n filter() {\n return this.dropbar;\n },\n handler({ target }) {\n var _a;\n if (!this.isDropbarDrop(target)) {\n return;\n }\n (_a = this._observer) == null ? void 0 : _a.disconnect();\n const active2 = this.getActive();\n if (!active2 || active2.$el === target) {\n this.transitionTo(0);\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n methods: {\n getActive() {\n var _a;\n return includes(this.dropdowns, (_a = active$1) == null ? void 0 : _a.$el) && active$1;\n },\n async transitionTo(newHeight, el) {\n const { dropbar } = this;\n const oldHeight = height(dropbar);\n el = oldHeight < newHeight && el;\n await Transition.cancel([el, dropbar]);\n css(el, \"clipPath\", `polygon(0 0,100% 0,100% ${oldHeight}px,0 ${oldHeight}px)`);\n height(dropbar, oldHeight);\n await Promise.all([\n Transition.start(dropbar, { height: newHeight }, this.duration),\n Transition.start(\n el,\n {\n clipPath: `polygon(0 0,100% 0,100% ${newHeight}px,0 ${newHeight}px)`\n },\n this.duration\n ).finally(() => css(el, { clipPath: \"\" }))\n ]).catch(noop);\n },\n getDropdown(el) {\n return this.$getComponent(el, \"drop\") || this.$getComponent(el, \"dropdown\");\n },\n isDropbarDrop(el) {\n return this.getDropdown(el) && hasClass(el, this.clsDrop);\n }\n }\n };\n function handleNavItemNavigation(e, toggles, active2) {\n var _a, _b, _c;\n const { current, keyCode } = e;\n let next = -1;\n if (keyCode === keyMap.HOME) {\n next = 0;\n } else if (keyCode === keyMap.END) {\n next = \"last\";\n } else if (keyCode === keyMap.LEFT) {\n next = \"previous\";\n } else if (keyCode === keyMap.RIGHT) {\n next = \"next\";\n } else if (keyCode === keyMap.TAB) {\n (_a = active2.targetEl) == null ? void 0 : _a.focus();\n (_b = active2.hide) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(active2, false);\n }\n if (~next) {\n e.preventDefault();\n (_c = active2.hide) == null ? void 0 : _c.call(active2, false);\n toggles[getIndex(next, toggles, toggles.indexOf(active2.targetEl || current))].focus();\n }\n }\n function focusFirstFocusableElement(el) {\n var _a;\n if (!$(\":focus\", el)) {\n (_a = $(selFocusable, el)) == null ? void 0 : _a.focus();\n }\n }\n\n var formCustom = {\n mixins: [Class],\n args: \"target\",\n props: {\n target: Boolean\n },\n data: {\n target: false\n },\n computed: {\n input(_, $el) {\n return $(selInput, $el);\n },\n state() {\n return this.input.nextElementSibling;\n },\n target({ target }, $el) {\n return target && (target === true && parent(this.input) === $el && this.input.nextElementSibling || $(target, $el));\n }\n },\n update() {\n var _a;\n const { target, input } = this;\n if (!target) {\n return;\n }\n let option;\n const prop = isInput(target) ? \"value\" : \"textContent\";\n const prev = target[prop];\n const value = ((_a = input.files) == null ? void 0 : _a[0]) ? input.files[0].name : matches(input, \"select\") && (option = $$(\"option\", input).filter((el) => el.selected)[0]) ? option.textContent : input.value;\n if (prev !== value) {\n target[prop] = value;\n }\n },\n events: [\n {\n name: \"change\",\n handler() {\n this.$emit();\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"reset\",\n el() {\n return closest(this.$el, \"form\");\n },\n handler() {\n this.$emit();\n }\n }\n ]\n };\n\n var Margin = {\n props: {\n margin: String,\n firstColumn: Boolean\n },\n data: {\n margin: \"uk-margin-small-top\",\n firstColumn: \"uk-first-column\"\n },\n observe: [\n mutation({\n options: {\n childList: true,\n attributes: true,\n attributeFilter: [\"style\"]\n }\n }),\n resize({\n target: ({ $el }) => [$el, ...children($el)]\n })\n ],\n update: {\n read() {\n const rows = getRows(this.$el.children);\n return {\n rows,\n columns: getColumns(rows)\n };\n },\n write({ columns, rows }) {\n for (const row of rows) {\n for (const column of row) {\n toggleClass(column, this.margin, rows[0] !== row);\n toggleClass(column, this.firstColumn, columns[0].includes(column));\n }\n }\n },\n events: [\"resize\"]\n }\n };\n function getRows(items) {\n return sortBy(items, \"top\", \"bottom\");\n }\n function getColumns(rows) {\n const columns = [];\n for (const row of rows) {\n const sorted = sortBy(row, \"left\", \"right\");\n for (let j = 0; j < sorted.length; j++) {\n columns[j] = columns[j] ? columns[j].concat(sorted[j]) : sorted[j];\n }\n }\n return isRtl ? columns.reverse() : columns;\n }\n function sortBy(items, startProp, endProp) {\n const sorted = [[]];\n for (const el of items) {\n if (!isVisible(el)) {\n continue;\n }\n let dim = getOffset(el);\n for (let i = sorted.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n const current = sorted[i];\n if (!current[0]) {\n current.push(el);\n break;\n }\n let startDim;\n if (current[0].offsetParent === el.offsetParent) {\n startDim = getOffset(current[0]);\n } else {\n dim = getOffset(el, true);\n startDim = getOffset(current[0], true);\n }\n if (dim[startProp] >= startDim[endProp] - 1 && dim[startProp] !== startDim[startProp]) {\n sorted.push([el]);\n break;\n }\n if (dim[endProp] - 1 > startDim[startProp] || dim[startProp] === startDim[startProp]) {\n current.push(el);\n break;\n }\n if (i === 0) {\n sorted.unshift([el]);\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n return sorted;\n }\n function getOffset(element, offset = false) {\n let { offsetTop, offsetLeft, offsetHeight, offsetWidth } = element;\n if (offset) {\n [offsetTop, offsetLeft] = offsetPosition(element);\n }\n return {\n top: offsetTop,\n left: offsetLeft,\n bottom: offsetTop + offsetHeight,\n right: offsetLeft + offsetWidth\n };\n }\n\n var grid = {\n extends: Margin,\n mixins: [Class],\n name: \"grid\",\n props: {\n masonry: Boolean,\n parallax: Number\n },\n data: {\n margin: \"uk-grid-margin\",\n clsStack: \"uk-grid-stack\",\n masonry: false,\n parallax: 0\n },\n connected() {\n this.masonry && addClass(this.$el, \"uk-flex-top uk-flex-wrap-top\");\n },\n observe: scroll$1({ filter: ({ parallax }) => parallax }),\n update: [\n {\n write({ columns }) {\n toggleClass(this.$el, this.clsStack, columns.length < 2);\n },\n events: [\"resize\"]\n },\n {\n read(data) {\n let { columns, rows } = data;\n if (!columns.length || !this.masonry && !this.parallax || positionedAbsolute(this.$el)) {\n data.translates = false;\n return false;\n }\n let translates = false;\n const nodes = children(this.$el);\n const columnHeights = columns.map((column) => sumBy(column, \"offsetHeight\"));\n const margin = getMarginTop(nodes, this.margin) * (rows.length - 1);\n const elHeight = Math.max(...columnHeights) + margin;\n if (this.masonry) {\n columns = columns.map((column) => sortBy$1(column, \"offsetTop\"));\n translates = getTranslates(rows, columns);\n }\n let padding = Math.abs(this.parallax);\n if (padding) {\n padding = columnHeights.reduce(\n (newPadding, hgt, i) => Math.max(\n newPadding,\n hgt + margin + (i % 2 ? padding : padding / 8) - elHeight\n ),\n 0\n );\n }\n return { padding, columns, translates, height: translates ? elHeight : \"\" };\n },\n write({ height, padding }) {\n css(this.$el, \"paddingBottom\", padding || \"\");\n height !== false && css(this.$el, \"height\", height);\n },\n events: [\"resize\"]\n },\n {\n read() {\n if (this.parallax && positionedAbsolute(this.$el)) {\n return false;\n }\n return {\n scrolled: this.parallax ? scrolledOver(this.$el) * Math.abs(this.parallax) : false\n };\n },\n write({ columns, scrolled, translates }) {\n if (scrolled === false && !translates) {\n return;\n }\n columns.forEach(\n (column, i) => column.forEach(\n (el, j) => css(\n el,\n \"transform\",\n !scrolled && !translates ? \"\" : `translateY(${(translates && -translates[i][j]) + (scrolled ? i % 2 ? scrolled : scrolled / 8 : 0)}px)`\n )\n )\n );\n },\n events: [\"scroll\", \"resize\"]\n }\n ]\n };\n function positionedAbsolute(el) {\n return children(el).some((el2) => css(el2, \"position\") === \"absolute\");\n }\n function getTranslates(rows, columns) {\n const rowHeights = rows.map((row) => Math.max(...row.map((el) => el.offsetHeight)));\n return columns.map((elements) => {\n let prev = 0;\n return elements.map(\n (element, row) => prev += row ? rowHeights[row - 1] - elements[row - 1].offsetHeight : 0\n );\n });\n }\n function getMarginTop(nodes, cls) {\n const [node] = nodes.filter((el) => hasClass(el, cls));\n return toFloat(node ? css(node, \"marginTop\") : css(nodes[0], \"paddingLeft\"));\n }\n\n var heightMatch = {\n args: \"target\",\n props: {\n target: String,\n row: Boolean\n },\n data: {\n target: \"> *\",\n row: true\n },\n computed: {\n elements({ target }, $el) {\n return $$(target, $el);\n }\n },\n observe: resize({\n target: ({ $el, elements }) => [$el, ...elements]\n }),\n update: {\n read() {\n return {\n rows: (this.row ? getRows(this.elements) : [this.elements]).map(match$1)\n };\n },\n write({ rows }) {\n for (const { heights, elements } of rows) {\n elements.forEach((el, i) => css(el, \"minHeight\", heights[i]));\n }\n },\n events: [\"resize\"]\n }\n };\n function match$1(elements) {\n if (elements.length < 2) {\n return { heights: [\"\"], elements };\n }\n let heights = elements.map(getHeight);\n const max = Math.max(...heights);\n return {\n heights: elements.map((el, i) => heights[i].toFixed(2) === max.toFixed(2) ? \"\" : max),\n elements\n };\n }\n function getHeight(element) {\n const style = pick(element.style, [\"display\", \"minHeight\"]);\n if (!isVisible(element)) {\n css(element, \"display\", \"block\", \"important\");\n }\n css(element, \"minHeight\", \"\");\n const height = dimensions$1(element).height - boxModelAdjust(element, \"height\", \"content-box\");\n css(element, style);\n return height;\n }\n\n var heightViewport = {\n props: {\n expand: Boolean,\n offsetTop: Boolean,\n offsetBottom: Boolean,\n minHeight: Number\n },\n data: {\n expand: false,\n offsetTop: false,\n offsetBottom: false,\n minHeight: 0\n },\n // check for offsetTop change\n observe: resize({\n target: ({ $el }) => [$el, ...scrollParents($el)]\n }),\n update: {\n read({ minHeight: prev }) {\n if (!isVisible(this.$el)) {\n return false;\n }\n let minHeight = \"\";\n const box = boxModelAdjust(this.$el, \"height\", \"content-box\");\n const { body, scrollingElement } = document;\n const [scrollElement] = scrollParents(this.$el);\n const { height: viewportHeight } = offsetViewport(\n scrollElement === body ? scrollingElement : scrollElement\n );\n if (this.expand) {\n minHeight = Math.max(\n viewportHeight - (dimensions$1(scrollElement).height - dimensions$1(this.$el).height) - box,\n 0\n );\n } else {\n const isScrollingElement = scrollingElement === scrollElement || body === scrollElement;\n minHeight = `calc(${isScrollingElement ? \"100vh\" : `${viewportHeight}px`}`;\n if (this.offsetTop) {\n if (isScrollingElement) {\n const top = offsetPosition(this.$el)[0] - offsetPosition(scrollElement)[0];\n minHeight += top > 0 && top < viewportHeight / 2 ? ` - ${top}px` : \"\";\n } else {\n minHeight += ` - ${css(scrollElement, \"paddingTop\")}`;\n }\n }\n if (this.offsetBottom === true) {\n minHeight += ` - ${dimensions$1(this.$el.nextElementSibling).height}px`;\n } else if (isNumeric(this.offsetBottom)) {\n minHeight += ` - ${this.offsetBottom}vh`;\n } else if (this.offsetBottom && endsWith(this.offsetBottom, \"px\")) {\n minHeight += ` - ${toFloat(this.offsetBottom)}px`;\n } else if (isString(this.offsetBottom)) {\n minHeight += ` - ${dimensions$1(query(this.offsetBottom, this.$el)).height}px`;\n }\n minHeight += `${box ? ` - ${box}px` : \"\"})`;\n }\n return { minHeight, prev };\n },\n write({ minHeight }) {\n css(this.$el, { minHeight });\n if (this.minHeight && toFloat(css(this.$el, \"minHeight\")) < this.minHeight) {\n css(this.$el, \"minHeight\", this.minHeight);\n }\n },\n events: [\"resize\"]\n }\n };\n\n var Svg = {\n args: \"src\",\n props: {\n width: Number,\n height: Number,\n ratio: Number\n },\n data: {\n ratio: 1\n },\n connected() {\n this.svg = this.getSvg().then((el) => {\n if (!this._connected) {\n return;\n }\n const svg = insertSVG(el, this.$el);\n if (this.svgEl && svg !== this.svgEl) {\n remove$1(this.svgEl);\n }\n applyWidthAndHeight.call(this, svg, el);\n return this.svgEl = svg;\n }, noop);\n },\n disconnected() {\n this.svg.then((svg) => {\n if (this._connected) {\n return;\n }\n if (isVoidElement(this.$el)) {\n this.$el.hidden = false;\n }\n remove$1(svg);\n this.svgEl = null;\n });\n this.svg = null;\n },\n methods: {\n async getSvg() {\n }\n }\n };\n function insertSVG(el, root) {\n if (isVoidElement(root) || isTag(root, \"canvas\")) {\n root.hidden = true;\n const next = root.nextElementSibling;\n return equals(el, next) ? next : after(root, el);\n }\n const last = root.lastElementChild;\n return equals(el, last) ? last : append(root, el);\n }\n function equals(el, other) {\n return isTag(el, \"svg\") && isTag(other, \"svg\") && el.innerHTML === other.innerHTML;\n }\n function applyWidthAndHeight(el, ref) {\n const props = [\"width\", \"height\"];\n let dimensions = props.map((prop) => this[prop]);\n if (!dimensions.some((val) => val)) {\n dimensions = props.map((prop) => attr(ref, prop));\n }\n const viewBox = attr(ref, \"viewBox\");\n if (viewBox && !dimensions.some((val) => val)) {\n dimensions = viewBox.split(\" \").slice(2);\n }\n dimensions.forEach((val, i) => attr(el, props[i], toFloat(val) * this.ratio || null));\n }\n\n var I18n = {\n props: {\n i18n: Object\n },\n data: {\n i18n: null\n },\n methods: {\n t(key, ...params) {\n var _a, _b, _c;\n let i = 0;\n return ((_c = ((_a = this.i18n) == null ? void 0 : _a[key]) || ((_b = this.$options.i18n) == null ? void 0 : _b[key])) == null ? void 0 : _c.replace(\n /%s/g,\n () => params[i++] || \"\"\n )) || \"\";\n }\n }\n };\n\n var closeIcon = \"
\";\n\n var closeLarge = \"
\";\n\n var dropParentIcon = \"
\";\n\n var marker = \"
\";\n\n var navParentIcon = \"
\";\n\n var navParentIconLarge = \"
\";\n\n var navbarParentIcon = \"
\";\n\n var navbarToggleIcon = \"
\";\n\n var overlayIcon = \"
\";\n\n var paginationNext = \"
\";\n\n var paginationPrevious = \"
\";\n\n var searchIcon = \"
\";\n\n var searchLarge = \"
\";\n\n var searchNavbar = \"
\";\n\n var slidenavNext = \"
\";\n\n var slidenavNextLarge = \"
\";\n\n var slidenavPrevious = \"
\";\n\n var slidenavPreviousLarge = \"
\";\n\n var spinner = \"
\";\n\n var totop = \"
\";\n\n const icons = {\n spinner,\n totop,\n marker,\n \"close-icon\": closeIcon,\n \"close-large\": closeLarge,\n \"drop-parent-icon\": dropParentIcon,\n \"nav-parent-icon\": navParentIcon,\n \"nav-parent-icon-large\": navParentIconLarge,\n \"navbar-parent-icon\": navbarParentIcon,\n \"navbar-toggle-icon\": navbarToggleIcon,\n \"overlay-icon\": overlayIcon,\n \"pagination-next\": paginationNext,\n \"pagination-previous\": paginationPrevious,\n \"search-icon\": searchIcon,\n \"search-large\": searchLarge,\n \"search-navbar\": searchNavbar,\n \"slidenav-next\": slidenavNext,\n \"slidenav-next-large\": slidenavNextLarge,\n \"slidenav-previous\": slidenavPrevious,\n \"slidenav-previous-large\": slidenavPreviousLarge\n };\n const Icon = {\n install: install$3,\n mixins: [Svg],\n args: \"icon\",\n props: { icon: String },\n isIcon: true,\n beforeConnect() {\n addClass(this.$el, \"uk-icon\");\n },\n methods: {\n async getSvg() {\n const icon = getIcon(this.icon);\n if (!icon) {\n throw \"Icon not found.\";\n }\n return icon;\n }\n }\n };\n const IconComponent = {\n args: false,\n extends: Icon,\n data: (vm) => ({\n icon: hyphenate(vm.constructor.options.name)\n }),\n beforeConnect() {\n addClass(this.$el, this.$options.id);\n }\n };\n const NavParentIcon = {\n extends: IconComponent,\n beforeConnect() {\n const icon = this.$props.icon;\n this.icon = closest(this.$el, \".uk-nav-primary\") ? `${icon}-large` : icon;\n }\n };\n const Search = {\n extends: IconComponent,\n beforeConnect() {\n this.icon = hasClass(this.$el, \"uk-search-icon\") && parents(this.$el, \".uk-search-large\").length ? \"search-large\" : parents(this.$el, \".uk-search-navbar\").length ? \"search-navbar\" : this.$props.icon;\n }\n };\n const Spinner = {\n extends: IconComponent,\n beforeConnect() {\n attr(this.$el, \"role\", \"status\");\n },\n methods: {\n async getSvg() {\n const icon = await Icon.methods.getSvg.call(this);\n if (this.ratio !== 1) {\n css($(\"circle\", icon), \"strokeWidth\", 1 / this.ratio);\n }\n return icon;\n }\n }\n };\n const ButtonComponent = {\n extends: IconComponent,\n mixins: [I18n],\n beforeConnect() {\n const button = closest(this.$el, \"a,button\");\n attr(button, \"role\", this.role !== null && isTag(button, \"a\") ? \"button\" : this.role);\n const label = this.t(\"label\");\n if (label && !hasAttr(button, \"aria-label\")) {\n attr(button, \"aria-label\", label);\n }\n }\n };\n const Slidenav = {\n extends: ButtonComponent,\n beforeConnect() {\n addClass(this.$el, \"uk-slidenav\");\n const icon = this.$props.icon;\n this.icon = hasClass(this.$el, \"uk-slidenav-large\") ? `${icon}-large` : icon;\n }\n };\n const NavbarToggleIcon = {\n extends: ButtonComponent,\n i18n: { label: \"Open menu\" }\n };\n const Close = {\n extends: ButtonComponent,\n i18n: { label: \"Close\" },\n beforeConnect() {\n this.icon = `close-${hasClass(this.$el, \"uk-close-large\") ? \"large\" : \"icon\"}`;\n }\n };\n const Marker = {\n extends: ButtonComponent,\n i18n: { label: \"Open\" }\n };\n const Totop = {\n extends: ButtonComponent,\n i18n: { label: \"Back to top\" }\n };\n const PaginationNext = {\n extends: ButtonComponent,\n i18n: { label: \"Next page\" },\n data: { role: null }\n };\n const PaginationPrevious = {\n extends: ButtonComponent,\n i18n: { label: \"Previous page\" },\n data: { role: null }\n };\n const parsed = {};\n function install$3(UIkit) {\n UIkit.icon.add = (name, svg) => {\n const added = isString(name) ? { [name]: svg } : name;\n each(added, (svg2, name2) => {\n icons[name2] = svg2;\n delete parsed[name2];\n });\n if (UIkit._initialized) {\n apply(\n document.body,\n (el) => each(UIkit.getComponents(el), (cmp) => {\n cmp.$options.isIcon && cmp.icon in added && cmp.$reset();\n })\n );\n }\n };\n }\n function getIcon(icon) {\n if (!icons[icon]) {\n return null;\n }\n if (!parsed[icon]) {\n parsed[icon] = $((icons[applyRtl(icon)] || icons[icon]).trim());\n }\n return parsed[icon].cloneNode(true);\n }\n function applyRtl(icon) {\n return isRtl ? swap(swap(icon, \"left\", \"right\"), \"previous\", \"next\") : icon;\n }\n\n const nativeLazyLoad = inBrowser && \"loading\" in HTMLImageElement.prototype;\n var img = {\n args: \"dataSrc\",\n props: {\n dataSrc: String,\n sources: String,\n margin: String,\n target: String,\n loading: String\n },\n data: {\n dataSrc: \"\",\n sources: false,\n margin: \"50%\",\n target: false,\n loading: \"lazy\"\n },\n connected() {\n if (this.loading !== \"lazy\") {\n this.load();\n return;\n }\n if (nativeLazyLoad && isImg(this.$el)) {\n this.$el.loading = \"lazy\";\n setSrcAttrs(this.$el);\n }\n ensureSrcAttribute(this.$el);\n },\n disconnected() {\n if (this.img) {\n this.img.onload = \"\";\n }\n delete this.img;\n },\n observe: intersection({\n target: ({ $el, $props }) => [$el, ...queryAll($props.target, $el)],\n handler(entries, observer) {\n this.load();\n observer.disconnect();\n },\n options: ({ margin }) => ({ rootMargin: margin }),\n filter: ({ loading }) => loading === \"lazy\"\n }),\n methods: {\n load() {\n if (this.img) {\n return this.img;\n }\n const image = isImg(this.$el) ? this.$el : getImageFromElement(this.$el, this.dataSrc, this.sources);\n removeAttr(image, \"loading\");\n setSrcAttrs(this.$el, image.currentSrc);\n return this.img = image;\n }\n }\n };\n function setSrcAttrs(el, src) {\n if (isImg(el)) {\n const parentNode = parent(el);\n const elements = isTag(parentNode, \"picture\") ? children(parentNode) : [el];\n elements.forEach((el2) => setSourceProps(el2, el2));\n } else if (src) {\n const change = !includes(el.style.backgroundImage, src);\n if (change) {\n css(el, \"backgroundImage\", `url(${escape(src)})`);\n trigger(el, createEvent(\"load\", false));\n }\n }\n }\n const srcProps = [\"data-src\", \"data-srcset\", \"sizes\"];\n function setSourceProps(sourceEl, targetEl) {\n srcProps.forEach((prop) => {\n const value = data(sourceEl, prop);\n if (value) {\n attr(targetEl, prop.replace(/^(data-)+/, \"\"), value);\n }\n });\n }\n function getImageFromElement(el, src, sources) {\n const img = new Image();\n wrapInPicture(img, sources);\n setSourceProps(el, img);\n img.onload = () => {\n setSrcAttrs(el, img.currentSrc);\n };\n attr(img, \"src\", src);\n return img;\n }\n function wrapInPicture(img, sources) {\n sources = parseSources(sources);\n if (sources.length) {\n const picture = fragment(\"
\");\n for (const attrs of sources) {\n const source = fragment(\"\");\n attr(source, attrs);\n append(picture, source);\n }\n append(picture, img);\n }\n }\n function parseSources(sources) {\n if (!sources) {\n return [];\n }\n if (startsWith(sources, \"[\")) {\n try {\n sources = JSON.parse(sources);\n } catch (e) {\n sources = [];\n }\n } else {\n sources = parseOptions(sources);\n }\n if (!isArray(sources)) {\n sources = [sources];\n }\n return sources.filter((source) => !isEmpty(source));\n }\n function ensureSrcAttribute(el) {\n if (isImg(el) && !hasAttr(el, \"src\")) {\n attr(el, \"src\", 'data:image/svg+xml;utf8,');\n }\n }\n function isImg(el) {\n return isTag(el, \"img\");\n }\n\n var Media = {\n props: {\n media: Boolean\n },\n data: {\n media: false\n },\n connected() {\n const media = toMedia(this.media, this.$el);\n this.matchMedia = true;\n if (media) {\n this.mediaObj = window.matchMedia(media);\n const handler = () => {\n this.matchMedia = this.mediaObj.matches;\n trigger(this.$el, createEvent(\"mediachange\", false, true, [this.mediaObj]));\n };\n this.offMediaObj = on(this.mediaObj, \"change\", () => {\n handler();\n this.$emit(\"resize\");\n });\n handler();\n }\n },\n disconnected() {\n var _a;\n (_a = this.offMediaObj) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(this);\n }\n };\n function toMedia(value, element) {\n if (isString(value)) {\n if (startsWith(value, \"@\")) {\n value = toFloat(css(element, `--uk-breakpoint-${value.substr(1)}`));\n } else if (isNaN(value)) {\n return value;\n }\n }\n return value && isNumeric(value) ? `(min-width: ${value}px)` : \"\";\n }\n\n var leader = {\n mixins: [Class, Media],\n props: {\n fill: String\n },\n data: {\n fill: \"\",\n clsWrapper: \"uk-leader-fill\",\n clsHide: \"uk-leader-hide\",\n attrFill: \"data-fill\"\n },\n computed: {\n fill({ fill }) {\n return fill || css(this.$el, \"--uk-leader-fill-content\");\n }\n },\n connected() {\n [this.wrapper] = wrapInner(this.$el, ``);\n },\n disconnected() {\n unwrap(this.wrapper.childNodes);\n },\n observe: resize(),\n update: {\n read() {\n const width = Math.trunc(this.$el.offsetWidth / 2);\n return {\n width,\n fill: this.fill,\n hide: !this.matchMedia\n };\n },\n write({ width, fill, hide }) {\n toggleClass(this.wrapper, this.clsHide, hide);\n attr(this.wrapper, this.attrFill, new Array(width).join(fill));\n },\n events: [\"resize\"]\n }\n };\n\n const active = [];\n var Modal = {\n mixins: [Class, Container, Togglable],\n props: {\n selPanel: String,\n selClose: String,\n escClose: Boolean,\n bgClose: Boolean,\n stack: Boolean,\n role: String\n },\n data: {\n cls: \"uk-open\",\n escClose: true,\n bgClose: true,\n overlay: true,\n stack: false,\n role: \"dialog\"\n },\n computed: {\n panel({ selPanel }, $el) {\n return $(selPanel, $el);\n },\n transitionElement() {\n return this.panel;\n },\n bgClose({ bgClose }) {\n return bgClose && this.panel;\n }\n },\n connected() {\n attr(this.panel || this.$el, \"role\", this.role);\n if (this.overlay) {\n attr(this.panel || this.$el, \"aria-modal\", true);\n }\n },\n beforeDisconnect() {\n if (includes(active, this)) {\n this.toggleElement(this.$el, false, false);\n }\n },\n events: [\n {\n name: \"click\",\n delegate() {\n return `${this.selClose},a[href*=\"#\"]`;\n },\n handler(e) {\n const { current, defaultPrevented } = e;\n const { hash } = current;\n if (!defaultPrevented && hash && isSameSiteAnchor(current) && !within(hash, this.$el) && $(hash, document.body)) {\n this.hide();\n } else if (matches(current, this.selClose)) {\n e.preventDefault();\n this.hide();\n }\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"toggle\",\n self: true,\n handler(e) {\n if (e.defaultPrevented) {\n return;\n }\n e.preventDefault();\n if (this.isToggled() === includes(active, this)) {\n this.toggle();\n }\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"beforeshow\",\n self: true,\n handler(e) {\n if (includes(active, this)) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!this.stack && active.length) {\n Promise.all(active.map((modal) => modal.hide())).then(this.show);\n e.preventDefault();\n } else {\n active.push(this);\n }\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"show\",\n self: true,\n handler() {\n if (this.stack) {\n css(this.$el, \"zIndex\", toFloat(css(this.$el, \"zIndex\")) + active.length);\n }\n const handlers = [\n this.overlay && preventBackgroundFocus(this),\n this.overlay && preventBackgroundScroll(this.$el),\n this.bgClose && listenForBackgroundClose(this),\n this.escClose && listenForEscClose(this)\n ];\n once(\n this.$el,\n \"hidden\",\n () => handlers.forEach((handler) => handler && handler()),\n { self: true }\n );\n addClass(document.documentElement, this.clsPage);\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"shown\",\n self: true,\n handler() {\n if (!isFocusable(this.$el)) {\n attr(this.$el, \"tabindex\", \"-1\");\n }\n if (!matches(this.$el, \":focus-within\")) {\n this.$el.focus();\n }\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"hidden\",\n self: true,\n handler() {\n if (includes(active, this)) {\n active.splice(active.indexOf(this), 1);\n }\n css(this.$el, \"zIndex\", \"\");\n if (!active.some((modal) => modal.clsPage === this.clsPage)) {\n removeClass(document.documentElement, this.clsPage);\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n methods: {\n toggle() {\n return this.isToggled() ? this.hide() : this.show();\n },\n show() {\n if (this.container && parent(this.$el) !== this.container) {\n append(this.container, this.$el);\n return new Promise(\n (resolve) => requestAnimationFrame(() => this.show().then(resolve))\n );\n }\n return this.toggleElement(this.$el, true, animate);\n },\n hide() {\n return this.toggleElement(this.$el, false, animate);\n }\n }\n };\n function animate(el, show, { transitionElement, _toggle }) {\n return new Promise(\n (resolve, reject) => once(el, \"show hide\", () => {\n var _a;\n (_a = el._reject) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(el);\n el._reject = reject;\n _toggle(el, show);\n const off = once(\n transitionElement,\n \"transitionstart\",\n () => {\n once(transitionElement, \"transitionend transitioncancel\", resolve, {\n self: true\n });\n clearTimeout(timer);\n },\n { self: true }\n );\n const timer = setTimeout(() => {\n off();\n resolve();\n }, toMs(css(transitionElement, \"transitionDuration\")));\n })\n ).then(() => delete el._reject);\n }\n function toMs(time) {\n return time ? endsWith(time, \"ms\") ? toFloat(time) : toFloat(time) * 1e3 : 0;\n }\n function preventBackgroundFocus(modal) {\n return on(document, \"focusin\", (e) => {\n if (last(active) === modal && !within(e.target, modal.$el)) {\n modal.$el.focus();\n }\n });\n }\n function listenForBackgroundClose(modal) {\n return on(document, pointerDown$1, ({ target }) => {\n if (last(active) !== modal || modal.overlay && !within(target, modal.$el) || within(target, modal.panel)) {\n return;\n }\n once(\n document,\n `${pointerUp$1} ${pointerCancel} scroll`,\n ({ defaultPrevented, type, target: newTarget }) => {\n if (!defaultPrevented && type === pointerUp$1 && target === newTarget) {\n modal.hide();\n }\n },\n true\n );\n });\n }\n function listenForEscClose(modal) {\n return on(document, \"keydown\", (e) => {\n if (e.keyCode === 27 && last(active) === modal) {\n modal.hide();\n }\n });\n }\n\n var modal = {\n install: install$2,\n mixins: [Modal],\n data: {\n clsPage: \"uk-modal-page\",\n selPanel: \".uk-modal-dialog\",\n selClose: \".uk-modal-close, .uk-modal-close-default, .uk-modal-close-outside, .uk-modal-close-full\"\n },\n events: [\n {\n name: \"show\",\n self: true,\n handler() {\n if (hasClass(this.panel, \"uk-margin-auto-vertical\")) {\n addClass(this.$el, \"uk-flex\");\n } else {\n css(this.$el, \"display\", \"block\");\n }\n height(this.$el);\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"hidden\",\n self: true,\n handler() {\n css(this.$el, \"display\", \"\");\n removeClass(this.$el, \"uk-flex\");\n }\n }\n ]\n };\n function install$2({ modal }) {\n modal.dialog = function(content, options) {\n const dialog = modal(\n ``,\n options\n );\n dialog.show();\n on(\n dialog.$el,\n \"hidden\",\n async () => {\n await Promise.resolve();\n dialog.$destroy(true);\n },\n { self: true }\n );\n return dialog;\n };\n modal.alert = function(message, options) {\n return openDialog(\n ({ i18n }) => `${isString(message) ? message : html(message)}
`,\n options,\n (deferred) => deferred.resolve()\n );\n };\n modal.confirm = function(message, options) {\n return openDialog(\n ({ i18n }) => ``,\n options,\n (deferred) => deferred.reject()\n );\n };\n modal.prompt = function(message, value, options) {\n return openDialog(\n ({ i18n }) => ``,\n options,\n (deferred) => deferred.resolve(null),\n (dialog) => $(\"input\", dialog.$el).value\n );\n };\n modal.i18n = {\n ok: \"Ok\",\n cancel: \"Cancel\"\n };\n function openDialog(tmpl, options, hideFn, submitFn) {\n options = {\n bgClose: false,\n escClose: true,\n role: \"alertdialog\",\n ...options,\n i18n: { ...modal.i18n, ...options == null ? void 0 : options.i18n }\n };\n const dialog = modal.dialog(tmpl(options), options);\n const deferred = new Deferred();\n let resolved = false;\n on(dialog.$el, \"submit\", \"form\", (e) => {\n e.preventDefault();\n deferred.resolve(submitFn == null ? void 0 : submitFn(dialog));\n resolved = true;\n dialog.hide();\n });\n on(dialog.$el, \"hide\", () => !resolved && hideFn(deferred));\n deferred.promise.dialog = dialog;\n return deferred.promise;\n }\n }\n\n var nav = {\n extends: Accordion,\n data: {\n targets: \"> .uk-parent\",\n toggle: \"> a\",\n content: \"> ul\"\n }\n };\n\n var navbar = {\n extends: Dropnav,\n data: {\n clsDrop: \"uk-navbar-dropdown\",\n selNavItem: \".uk-navbar-nav > li > a,a.uk-navbar-item,button.uk-navbar-item,.uk-navbar-item a,.uk-navbar-item button,.uk-navbar-toggle\"\n // Simplify with :where() selector once browser target is Safari 14+\n },\n watch: {\n items() {\n const justify = hasClass(this.$el, \"uk-navbar-justify\");\n for (const container of $$(\n \".uk-navbar-nav, .uk-navbar-left, .uk-navbar-right\",\n this.$el\n )) {\n css(\n container,\n \"flexGrow\",\n justify ? $$(\n \".uk-navbar-nav > li > a, .uk-navbar-item, .uk-navbar-toggle\",\n container\n ).length : \"\"\n );\n }\n }\n }\n };\n\n var offcanvas = {\n mixins: [Modal],\n args: \"mode\",\n props: {\n mode: String,\n flip: Boolean,\n overlay: Boolean,\n swiping: Boolean\n },\n data: {\n mode: \"slide\",\n flip: false,\n overlay: false,\n clsPage: \"uk-offcanvas-page\",\n clsContainer: \"uk-offcanvas-container\",\n selPanel: \".uk-offcanvas-bar\",\n clsFlip: \"uk-offcanvas-flip\",\n clsContainerAnimation: \"uk-offcanvas-container-animation\",\n clsSidebarAnimation: \"uk-offcanvas-bar-animation\",\n clsMode: \"uk-offcanvas\",\n clsOverlay: \"uk-offcanvas-overlay\",\n selClose: \".uk-offcanvas-close\",\n container: false,\n swiping: true\n },\n computed: {\n clsFlip({ flip, clsFlip }) {\n return flip ? clsFlip : \"\";\n },\n clsOverlay({ overlay, clsOverlay }) {\n return overlay ? clsOverlay : \"\";\n },\n clsMode({ mode, clsMode }) {\n return `${clsMode}-${mode}`;\n },\n clsSidebarAnimation({ mode, clsSidebarAnimation }) {\n return mode === \"none\" || mode === \"reveal\" ? \"\" : clsSidebarAnimation;\n },\n clsContainerAnimation({ mode, clsContainerAnimation }) {\n return mode !== \"push\" && mode !== \"reveal\" ? \"\" : clsContainerAnimation;\n },\n transitionElement({ mode }) {\n return mode === \"reveal\" ? parent(this.panel) : this.panel;\n }\n },\n observe: swipe({ filter: ({ swiping }) => swiping }),\n update: {\n read() {\n if (this.isToggled() && !isVisible(this.$el)) {\n this.hide();\n }\n },\n events: [\"resize\"]\n },\n events: [\n {\n name: \"touchmove\",\n self: true,\n passive: false,\n filter() {\n return this.overlay;\n },\n handler(e) {\n e.cancelable && e.preventDefault();\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"show\",\n self: true,\n handler() {\n if (this.mode === \"reveal\" && !hasClass(parent(this.panel), this.clsMode)) {\n wrapAll(this.panel, \"\");\n addClass(parent(this.panel), this.clsMode);\n }\n const { body, scrollingElement } = document;\n addClass(body, this.clsContainer, this.clsFlip);\n css(body, \"touch-action\", \"pan-y pinch-zoom\");\n css(this.$el, \"display\", \"block\");\n css(this.panel, \"maxWidth\", scrollingElement.clientWidth);\n addClass(this.$el, this.clsOverlay);\n addClass(\n this.panel,\n this.clsSidebarAnimation,\n this.mode === \"reveal\" ? \"\" : this.clsMode\n );\n height(body);\n addClass(body, this.clsContainerAnimation);\n this.clsContainerAnimation && suppressUserScale();\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"hide\",\n self: true,\n handler() {\n removeClass(document.body, this.clsContainerAnimation);\n css(document.body, \"touch-action\", \"\");\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"hidden\",\n self: true,\n handler() {\n this.clsContainerAnimation && resumeUserScale();\n if (this.mode === \"reveal\") {\n unwrap(this.panel);\n }\n removeClass(this.panel, this.clsSidebarAnimation, this.clsMode);\n removeClass(this.$el, this.clsOverlay);\n css(this.$el, \"display\", \"\");\n css(this.panel, \"maxWidth\", \"\");\n removeClass(document.body, this.clsContainer, this.clsFlip);\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"swipeLeft swipeRight\",\n handler(e) {\n if (this.isToggled() && endsWith(e.type, \"Left\") ^ this.flip) {\n this.hide();\n }\n }\n }\n ]\n };\n function suppressUserScale() {\n getViewport().content += \",user-scalable=0\";\n }\n function resumeUserScale() {\n const viewport = getViewport();\n viewport.content = viewport.content.replace(/,user-scalable=0$/, \"\");\n }\n function getViewport() {\n return $('meta[name=\"viewport\"]', document.head) || append(document.head, '
');\n }\n\n var overflowAuto = {\n mixins: [Class],\n props: {\n selContainer: String,\n selContent: String,\n minHeight: Number\n },\n data: {\n selContainer: \".uk-modal\",\n selContent: \".uk-modal-dialog\",\n minHeight: 150\n },\n computed: {\n container({ selContainer }, $el) {\n return closest($el, selContainer);\n },\n content({ selContent }, $el) {\n return closest($el, selContent);\n }\n },\n observe: resize({\n target: ({ container, content }) => [container, content]\n }),\n update: {\n read() {\n if (!this.content || !this.container || !isVisible(this.$el)) {\n return false;\n }\n return {\n max: Math.max(\n this.minHeight,\n height(this.container) - (dimensions$1(this.content).height - height(this.$el))\n )\n };\n },\n write({ max }) {\n css(this.$el, { minHeight: this.minHeight, maxHeight: max });\n },\n events: [\"resize\"]\n }\n };\n\n var responsive = {\n props: [\"width\", \"height\"],\n connected() {\n addClass(this.$el, \"uk-responsive-width\");\n },\n observe: resize({\n target: ({ $el }) => [$el, parent($el)]\n }),\n update: {\n read() {\n return isVisible(this.$el) && this.width && this.height ? { width: width(parent(this.$el)), height: this.height } : false;\n },\n write(dim) {\n height(\n this.$el,\n Dimensions.contain(\n {\n height: this.height,\n width: this.width\n },\n dim\n ).height\n );\n },\n events: [\"resize\"]\n }\n };\n\n var scroll = {\n props: {\n offset: Number\n },\n data: {\n offset: 0\n },\n connected() {\n registerClick(this);\n },\n disconnected() {\n unregisterClick(this);\n },\n methods: {\n async scrollTo(el) {\n el = el && $(el) || document.body;\n if (trigger(this.$el, \"beforescroll\", [this, el])) {\n await scrollIntoView(el, { offset: this.offset });\n trigger(this.$el, \"scrolled\", [this, el]);\n }\n }\n }\n };\n const instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set();\n function registerClick(cmp) {\n if (!instances.size) {\n on(document, \"click\", clickHandler);\n }\n instances.add(cmp);\n }\n function unregisterClick(cmp) {\n instances.delete(cmp);\n if (!instances.size) {\n off(document, \"click\", clickHandler);\n }\n }\n function clickHandler(e) {\n if (e.defaultPrevented) {\n return;\n }\n for (const instance of instances) {\n if (within(e.target, instance.$el) && isSameSiteAnchor(instance.$el)) {\n e.preventDefault();\n if (window.location.href !== instance.$el.href) {\n window.history.pushState({}, \"\", instance.$el.href);\n }\n instance.scrollTo(getTargetedElement(instance.$el));\n }\n }\n }\n\n var scrollspy = {\n args: \"cls\",\n props: {\n cls: String,\n target: String,\n hidden: Boolean,\n margin: String,\n repeat: Boolean,\n delay: Number\n },\n data: () => ({\n cls: \"\",\n target: false,\n hidden: true,\n margin: \"-1px\",\n repeat: false,\n delay: 0,\n inViewClass: \"uk-scrollspy-inview\"\n }),\n computed: {\n elements({ target }, $el) {\n return target ? $$(target, $el) : [$el];\n }\n },\n watch: {\n elements(elements) {\n if (this.hidden) {\n css(filter$1(elements, `:not(.${this.inViewClass})`), \"opacity\", 0);\n }\n }\n },\n connected() {\n this.elementData = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();\n },\n disconnected() {\n for (const [el, state] of this.elementData.entries()) {\n removeClass(el, this.inViewClass, (state == null ? void 0 : state.cls) || \"\");\n }\n delete this.elementData;\n },\n observe: intersection({\n target: ({ elements }) => elements,\n handler(records) {\n const elements = this.elementData;\n for (const { target: el, isIntersecting } of records) {\n if (!elements.has(el)) {\n elements.set(el, {\n cls: data(el, \"uk-scrollspy-class\") || this.cls\n });\n }\n const state = elements.get(el);\n if (!this.repeat && state.show) {\n continue;\n }\n state.show = isIntersecting;\n }\n this.$emit();\n },\n options: (instance) => ({ rootMargin: instance.margin }),\n args: { intersecting: false }\n }),\n update: [\n {\n write(data) {\n for (const [el, state] of this.elementData.entries()) {\n if (state.show && !state.inview && !state.queued) {\n state.queued = true;\n data.promise = (data.promise || Promise.resolve()).then(() => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, this.delay))).then(() => {\n this.toggle(el, true);\n setTimeout(() => {\n state.queued = false;\n this.$emit();\n }, 300);\n });\n } else if (!state.show && state.inview && !state.queued && this.repeat) {\n this.toggle(el, false);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n ],\n methods: {\n toggle(el, inview) {\n var _a;\n const state = this.elementData.get(el);\n if (!state) {\n return;\n }\n (_a = state.off) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(state);\n css(el, \"opacity\", !inview && this.hidden ? 0 : \"\");\n toggleClass(el, this.inViewClass, inview);\n toggleClass(el, state.cls);\n if (/\\buk-animation-/.test(state.cls)) {\n const removeAnimationClasses = () => removeClasses(el, \"uk-animation-[\\\\w-]+\");\n if (inview) {\n state.off = once(el, \"animationcancel animationend\", removeAnimationClasses);\n } else {\n removeAnimationClasses();\n }\n }\n trigger(el, inview ? \"inview\" : \"outview\");\n state.inview = inview;\n this.$update(el);\n }\n }\n };\n\n var scrollspyNav = {\n props: {\n cls: String,\n closest: String,\n scroll: Boolean,\n overflow: Boolean,\n offset: Number\n },\n data: {\n cls: \"uk-active\",\n closest: false,\n scroll: false,\n overflow: true,\n offset: 0\n },\n computed: {\n links(_, $el) {\n return $$('a[href*=\"#\"]', $el).filter((el) => el.hash && isSameSiteAnchor(el));\n },\n elements({ closest: selector }) {\n return closest(this.links, selector || \"*\");\n }\n },\n watch: {\n links(links) {\n if (this.scroll) {\n this.$create(\"scroll\", links, { offset: this.offset || 0 });\n }\n }\n },\n observe: [intersection(), scroll$1()],\n update: [\n {\n read() {\n const targets = this.links.map(getTargetedElement).filter(Boolean);\n const { length } = targets;\n if (!length || !isVisible(this.$el)) {\n return false;\n }\n const [scrollElement] = scrollParents(targets, true);\n const { scrollTop, scrollHeight } = scrollElement;\n const viewport = offsetViewport(scrollElement);\n const max = scrollHeight - viewport.height;\n let active = false;\n if (scrollTop === max) {\n active = length - 1;\n } else {\n for (let i = 0; i < targets.length; i++) {\n if (offset(targets[i]).top - viewport.top - this.offset > 0) {\n break;\n }\n active = +i;\n }\n if (active === false && this.overflow) {\n active = 0;\n }\n }\n return { active };\n },\n write({ active }) {\n const changed = active !== false && !hasClass(this.elements[active], this.cls);\n this.links.forEach((el) => el.blur());\n for (let i = 0; i < this.elements.length; i++) {\n toggleClass(this.elements[i], this.cls, +i === active);\n }\n if (changed) {\n trigger(this.$el, \"active\", [active, this.elements[active]]);\n }\n },\n events: [\"scroll\", \"resize\"]\n }\n ]\n };\n\n var sticky = {\n mixins: [Class, Media],\n props: {\n position: String,\n top: null,\n bottom: null,\n start: null,\n end: null,\n offset: String,\n overflowFlip: Boolean,\n animation: String,\n clsActive: String,\n clsInactive: String,\n clsFixed: String,\n clsBelow: String,\n selTarget: String,\n showOnUp: Boolean,\n targetOffset: Number\n },\n data: {\n position: \"top\",\n top: false,\n bottom: false,\n start: false,\n end: false,\n offset: 0,\n overflowFlip: false,\n animation: \"\",\n clsActive: \"uk-active\",\n clsInactive: \"\",\n clsFixed: \"uk-sticky-fixed\",\n clsBelow: \"uk-sticky-below\",\n selTarget: \"\",\n showOnUp: false,\n targetOffset: false\n },\n computed: {\n selTarget({ selTarget }, $el) {\n return selTarget && $(selTarget, $el) || $el;\n }\n },\n connected() {\n this.start = coerce(this.start || this.top);\n this.end = coerce(this.end || this.bottom);\n this.placeholder = $(\"+ .uk-sticky-placeholder\", this.$el) || $('
');\n this.isFixed = false;\n this.setActive(false);\n },\n disconnected() {\n if (this.isFixed) {\n this.hide();\n removeClass(this.selTarget, this.clsInactive);\n }\n reset(this.$el);\n remove$1(this.placeholder);\n this.placeholder = null;\n },\n observe: [resize({ target: ({ $el }) => [$el, document.documentElement] }), scroll$1()],\n events: [\n {\n name: \"resize\",\n el() {\n return [window, window.visualViewport];\n },\n handler() {\n this.$emit(\"resize\");\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"load hashchange popstate\",\n el() {\n return window;\n },\n filter() {\n return this.targetOffset !== false;\n },\n handler() {\n const { scrollingElement } = document;\n if (!location.hash || scrollingElement.scrollTop === 0) {\n return;\n }\n setTimeout(() => {\n const targetOffset = offset($(location.hash));\n const elOffset = offset(this.$el);\n if (this.isFixed && intersectRect(targetOffset, elOffset)) {\n scrollingElement.scrollTop = targetOffset.top - elOffset.height - toPx(this.targetOffset, \"height\", this.placeholder) - toPx(this.offset, \"height\", this.placeholder);\n }\n });\n }\n },\n {\n name: \"transitionstart\",\n capture: true,\n handler() {\n this.transitionInProgress = once(\n this.$el,\n \"transitionend transitioncancel\",\n () => this.transitionInProgress = null\n );\n }\n }\n ],\n update: [\n {\n read({ height: height$1, width, margin, sticky }) {\n this.inactive = !this.matchMedia || !isVisible(this.$el);\n if (this.inactive) {\n return;\n }\n const hide = this.isFixed && !this.transitionInProgress;\n if (hide) {\n preventTransition(this.selTarget);\n this.hide();\n }\n if (!this.active) {\n ({ height: height$1, width } = offset(this.$el));\n margin = css(this.$el, \"margin\");\n }\n if (hide) {\n this.show();\n }\n const viewport = toPx(\"100vh\", \"height\");\n const dynamicViewport = height(window);\n const maxScrollHeight = document.scrollingElement.scrollHeight - viewport;\n let position = this.position;\n if (this.overflowFlip && height$1 > viewport) {\n position = position === \"top\" ? \"bottom\" : \"top\";\n }\n const referenceElement = this.isFixed ? this.placeholder : this.$el;\n let offset$1 = toPx(this.offset, \"height\", sticky ? this.$el : referenceElement);\n if (position === \"bottom\" && (height$1 < dynamicViewport || this.overflowFlip)) {\n offset$1 += dynamicViewport - height$1;\n }\n const overflow = this.overflowFlip ? 0 : Math.max(0, height$1 + offset$1 - viewport);\n const topOffset = offset(referenceElement).top;\n const elHeight = offset(this.$el).height;\n const start = (this.start === false ? topOffset : parseProp(this.start, this.$el, topOffset)) - offset$1;\n const end = this.end === false ? maxScrollHeight : Math.min(\n maxScrollHeight,\n parseProp(this.end, this.$el, topOffset + height$1, true) - elHeight - offset$1 + overflow\n );\n sticky = maxScrollHeight && !this.showOnUp && start + offset$1 === topOffset && end === Math.min(\n maxScrollHeight,\n parseProp(\"!*\", this.$el, 0, true) - elHeight - offset$1 + overflow\n ) && css(parent(this.$el), \"overflowY\") === \"visible\";\n return {\n start,\n end,\n offset: offset$1,\n overflow,\n topOffset,\n height: height$1,\n elHeight,\n width,\n margin,\n top: offsetPosition(referenceElement)[0],\n sticky\n };\n },\n write({ height, width, margin, offset, sticky }) {\n if (this.inactive || sticky || !this.isFixed) {\n reset(this.$el);\n }\n if (this.inactive) {\n return;\n }\n if (sticky) {\n height = width = margin = 0;\n css(this.$el, { position: \"sticky\", top: offset });\n }\n const { placeholder } = this;\n css(placeholder, { height, width, margin });\n if (!within(placeholder, document)) {\n placeholder.hidden = true;\n }\n (sticky ? before : after)(this.$el, placeholder);\n },\n events: [\"resize\"]\n },\n {\n read({\n scroll: prevScroll = 0,\n dir: prevDir = \"down\",\n overflow,\n overflowScroll = 0,\n start,\n end\n }) {\n const scroll2 = document.scrollingElement.scrollTop;\n const dir = prevScroll <= scroll2 ? \"down\" : \"up\";\n return {\n dir,\n prevDir,\n scroll: scroll2,\n prevScroll,\n offsetParentTop: offset(\n (this.isFixed ? this.placeholder : this.$el).offsetParent\n ).top,\n overflowScroll: clamp(\n overflowScroll + clamp(scroll2, start, end) - clamp(prevScroll, start, end),\n 0,\n overflow\n )\n };\n },\n write(data, types) {\n const isScrollUpdate = types.has(\"scroll\");\n const {\n initTimestamp = 0,\n dir,\n prevDir,\n scroll: scroll2,\n prevScroll = 0,\n top,\n start,\n topOffset,\n height\n } = data;\n if (scroll2 < 0 || scroll2 === prevScroll && isScrollUpdate || this.showOnUp && !isScrollUpdate && !this.isFixed) {\n return;\n }\n const now = Date.now();\n if (now - initTimestamp > 300 || dir !== prevDir) {\n data.initScroll = scroll2;\n data.initTimestamp = now;\n }\n if (this.showOnUp && !this.isFixed && Math.abs(data.initScroll - scroll2) <= 30 && Math.abs(prevScroll - scroll2) <= 10) {\n return;\n }\n if (this.inactive || scroll2 < start || this.showOnUp && (scroll2 <= start || dir === \"down\" && isScrollUpdate || dir === \"up\" && !this.isFixed && scroll2 <= topOffset + height)) {\n if (!this.isFixed) {\n if (Animation.inProgress(this.$el) && top > scroll2) {\n Animation.cancel(this.$el);\n this.hide();\n }\n return;\n }\n if (this.animation && scroll2 > topOffset) {\n Animation.cancel(this.$el);\n Animation.out(this.$el, this.animation).then(() => this.hide(), noop);\n } else {\n this.hide();\n }\n } else if (this.isFixed) {\n this.update();\n } else if (this.animation && scroll2 > topOffset) {\n Animation.cancel(this.$el);\n this.show();\n Animation.in(this.$el, this.animation).catch(noop);\n } else {\n preventTransition(this.selTarget);\n this.show();\n }\n },\n events: [\"resize\", \"resizeViewport\", \"scroll\"]\n }\n ],\n methods: {\n show() {\n this.isFixed = true;\n this.update();\n this.placeholder.hidden = false;\n },\n hide() {\n const { offset, sticky } = this._data;\n this.setActive(false);\n removeClass(this.$el, this.clsFixed, this.clsBelow);\n if (sticky) {\n css(this.$el, \"top\", offset);\n } else {\n css(this.$el, {\n position: \"\",\n top: \"\",\n width: \"\",\n marginTop: \"\"\n });\n }\n this.placeholder.hidden = true;\n this.isFixed = false;\n },\n update() {\n let {\n width,\n scroll: scroll2 = 0,\n overflow,\n overflowScroll = 0,\n start,\n end,\n offset,\n topOffset,\n height,\n elHeight,\n offsetParentTop,\n sticky\n } = this._data;\n const active = start !== 0 || scroll2 > start;\n if (!sticky) {\n let position = \"fixed\";\n if (scroll2 > end) {\n offset += end - offsetParentTop;\n position = \"absolute\";\n }\n css(this.$el, { position, width });\n css(this.$el, \"marginTop\", 0, \"important\");\n }\n if (overflow) {\n offset -= overflowScroll;\n }\n css(this.$el, \"top\", offset);\n this.setActive(active);\n toggleClass(\n this.$el,\n this.clsBelow,\n scroll2 > topOffset + (sticky ? Math.min(height, elHeight) : height)\n );\n addClass(this.$el, this.clsFixed);\n },\n setActive(active) {\n const prev = this.active;\n this.active = active;\n if (active) {\n replaceClass(this.selTarget, this.clsInactive, this.clsActive);\n prev !== active && trigger(this.$el, \"active\");\n } else {\n replaceClass(this.selTarget, this.clsActive, this.clsInactive);\n prev !== active && trigger(this.$el, \"inactive\");\n }\n }\n }\n };\n function parseProp(value, el, propOffset, padding) {\n if (!value) {\n return 0;\n }\n if (isNumeric(value) || isString(value) && value.match(/^-?\\d/)) {\n return propOffset + toPx(value, \"height\", el, true);\n } else {\n const refElement = value === true ? parent(el) : query(value, el);\n return offset(refElement).bottom - (padding && refElement && within(el, refElement) ? toFloat(css(refElement, \"paddingBottom\")) : 0);\n }\n }\n function coerce(value) {\n if (value === \"true\") {\n return true;\n } else if (value === \"false\") {\n return false;\n }\n return value;\n }\n function reset(el) {\n css(el, { position: \"\", top: \"\", marginTop: \"\", width: \"\" });\n }\n function preventTransition(el) {\n css(el, \"transition\", \"0s\");\n requestAnimationFrame(() => css(el, \"transition\", \"\"));\n }\n\n function getMaxPathLength(el) {\n return Math.ceil(\n Math.max(\n 0,\n ...$$(\"[stroke]\", el).map((stroke) => {\n try {\n return stroke.getTotalLength();\n } catch (e) {\n return 0;\n }\n })\n )\n );\n }\n\n var svg = {\n mixins: [Svg],\n args: \"src\",\n props: {\n src: String,\n icon: String,\n attributes: \"list\",\n strokeAnimation: Boolean\n },\n data: {\n strokeAnimation: false\n },\n observe: [\n mutation({\n async handler() {\n const svg = await this.svg;\n if (svg) {\n applyAttributes.call(this, svg);\n }\n },\n options: {\n attributes: true,\n attributeFilter: [\"id\", \"class\", \"style\"]\n }\n })\n ],\n async connected() {\n if (includes(this.src, \"#\")) {\n [this.src, this.icon] = this.src.split(\"#\");\n }\n const svg = await this.svg;\n if (svg) {\n applyAttributes.call(this, svg);\n if (this.strokeAnimation) {\n applyAnimation(svg);\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n async getSvg() {\n if (isTag(this.$el, \"img\") && !this.$el.complete && this.$el.loading === \"lazy\") {\n return new Promise(\n (resolve) => once(this.$el, \"load\", () => resolve(this.getSvg()))\n );\n }\n return parseSVG(await loadSVG(this.src), this.icon) || Promise.reject(\"SVG not found.\");\n }\n }\n };\n function applyAttributes(el) {\n const { $el } = this;\n addClass(el, attr($el, \"class\"), \"uk-svg\");\n for (let i = 0; i < $el.style.length; i++) {\n const prop = $el.style[i];\n css(el, prop, css($el, prop));\n }\n for (const attribute in this.attributes) {\n const [prop, value] = this.attributes[attribute].split(\":\", 2);\n attr(el, prop, value);\n }\n if (!this.$el.id) {\n removeAttr(el, \"id\");\n }\n }\n const loadSVG = memoize(async (src) => {\n if (src) {\n if (startsWith(src, \"data:\")) {\n return decodeURIComponent(src.split(\",\")[1]);\n } else {\n return (await fetch(src)).text();\n }\n } else {\n return Promise.reject();\n }\n });\n function parseSVG(svg, icon) {\n if (icon && includes(svg, \"
/g;\n const parseSymbols = memoize(function(svg) {\n const symbols = {};\n symbolRe.lastIndex = 0;\n let match;\n while (match = symbolRe.exec(svg)) {\n symbols[match[3]] = `